Family Eye Care

Family Eye Care

Family eye care is more than just scheduling regular appointments for all family members. It is also an attitude and a statement of the value your family places on overall health care and, specifically, vision care. If you live in or near Maywood and are looking for an "eye doctor near me," our team at Elite Vision Eyecare has the training, expertise, and welcoming atmosphere to provide your family with the comprehensive vision care it needs.

Family Eye Care

The Benefits of Family Eye Care

Family eye care provides numerous benefits that affect your family's quality of life. It helps ensure your family's visual health, protects against broader health concerns, and builds health habits and attitudes.

Identify and Treat Inherited Diseases

Research in optometry consistently shows that many diseases affecting vision have genetic components and run in families, though not every family member will experience those issues. Eye doctors often ask patients about their family's vision and overall health because some refractory challenges affecting children and numerous age-related diseases have genetic influences.

Regular eye examinations also help your eye doctor identify or monitor your eyes for problems related to diabetes and other broad diseases. Families with histories of eye diseases or health concerns known to affect visual health should be especially mindful of building good habits.

Early Detection and Treatment

Regardless of a patient's age, detecting an eye problem early on provides the opportunity for correction and stopping the disease's progress as early as possible. For children and adults, vision issues can affect their ability to function at school or work. In addition to the impact on their work, vision issues can also affect self-esteem due to their inability to participate and perform at their desired level. Combining vision correction and functional vision therapies can substantially change some children's lives.

Build Healthy Habits and Attitudes

Annual eye exams and following proper habits teach respect for children's eye health, their bodies, and overall health practices. Being taught early on to wear protective eyewear during certain activities, practice proper eye hygiene, and recognize the link between their vision and broader health helps children understand the importance of preventive vision and overall health care.

Schedule an Eye Evaluation at Elite Vision Eyecare

Proper eye care habits are best learned when young. Annual eye exams for all family members help identify and correct vision problems early in their progression before they can cause long-term harm. Contact us at Elite Vision Eyecare if you live in or near Maywood, NJ, and are looking for an "optometrist near me." Call us at (201) 845-4700 or use our online appointment form. We look forward to seeing you!

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
